SmarterMail Build 8993

  • Saturday, 17th August, 2024
  • 18:06pm

Build 8993

  • Added: A setting for an outbound gateway configuration to enable/disable SMTPUTF8.
  • Added: Descriptions (and alternate descriptions) for Appointment Types in Scheduling.
  • Added: Implemented XMPP RFC XEP-0393 to allow for stylized chat messages.
  • Added: Secure connection support for configuring LDAP and AD servers as authentication providers.
  • Added: The ability to "Load More" Chat history on demand.
  • Added: The ability to bind LDAP ports with SSL/TLS and StartTLS.
  • Added: The ability to create usernames with uppercase letters.
  • Added: The ability to force SSL certificate renewal.
  • Changed: Chat bubbles in alias chats now only display username/user name to avoid redundancy.
  • Changed: Cleaned up the Grid View for Calendars to indicate when a recurring appointment has expired.
  • Changed: Improved the display of the View Availability modal for better readability.
  • Changed: Updated custom 404 pages.
  • Fixed: A unique customer issue affecting new message notifications.
  • Fixed: A unique customer issue where an upgrade caused issues with Chat, including connection issues to clients.
  • Fixed: Adding a similar domain with an added TLD extension occasionally fails.
  • Fixed: An issue adding Work Info to a contact.
  • Fixed: An issue where a Console error displays when logging out of webmail while in the contacts section.
  • Fixed: An issue where administrators that work on a Windows install may not work on a Linux install.
  • Fixed: An issue where an upgrade could cause odd XMPP behavior.
  • Fixed: An issue where LDAP connectivity fails with immediate timeout several times before succeeding.
  • Fixed: An issue with the Scheduling link when Online Meetings are disabled.
  • Fixed: An LDAP authentication provider that requires the username to be in DN format can fail to authenticate.
  • Fixed: An XMPP Bearer Token authentication issue.
  • Fixed: Automated Forwarding for UTF8 addresses fails to properly encode those addresses.
  • Fixed: Bounce messages to external accounts can get held up in the spool.
  • Fixed: Cannot add an LDAP authentication provider unless domain and organizational indicators in the LDAP binding string are in all caps.
  • Fixed: Domain aliases don't inherit domain-level login customization.
  • Fixed: Drive stats for disk space is not showing the correct amount.
  • Fixed: Emails that fail DMARC and are rejected are leaving orphaned HDR files in the spool folders.
  • Fixed: Google Drive is not working for File Storage.
  • Fixed: Issue where sending a message to a domain alias, then a message to a primary domain account, can cause two versions of MailboxManager to be created.
  • Fixed: Issues attaching users when moving them from Windows to Linux.
  • Fixed: Log searching can break if a client's local time is different than server time.
  • Fixed: Mailing Lists configured to use Subscriber Address for the To: address sometimes displays just the first subscriber.
  • Fixed: Messages sent from webmail to Gmail, with XML attachments, are showing the xml in the body.
  • Fixed: Messages with foreign characters received by and sent through IMAP clients can disrupt the foreign characters.
  • Fixed: Migrating from Kerio Connect fails with "Unable to connect with the credentials supplied" regardless of credentials provided.
  • Fixed: Notes occasionally use the full body for the Note's subject.
  • Fixed: Occasionally, the cursor doesn't behave properly in webmail when using Firefox.
  • Fixed: Refresh issues when saving a draft in webmail when the draft message is displayed in the preview window.
  • Fixed: Replying to a message using Apple Mail (EWS) displays "received date/time" when viewed in eM Client, but doesn't show "replied on" text in webmail.
  • Fixed: Scheduling Time Zone defaults to UTC (Sao Tome).
  • Fixed: Sending to a valid email address and an email address that's too long doesn't actually send to the too long address, but it doesn't display an error as it should.
  • Fixed: Signature Images seem to shrink in the editor when you save a draft.
  • Fixed: Signatures created using HTML can deform when typing in the compose window in webmail.
  • Fixed: Some folder labels missing translations.
  • Fixed: Some issues affecting the ability to use third-party chat clients with Chat.
  • Fixed: The Send Email dialog is not sized properly.
  • Fixed: Turkish characters appear to be corrupted for BCC in Outlook (MAPI).
  • Fixed: Upgrading across a few Builds can duplicate AD providers.
  • Fixed: Webmail version of sent messages that include Turkish characters in the To/CC/BCC fields show puny code in the message headers.
  • Fixed: When acting as an LDAP server, authentication fails if the username is not formatted like an email.
  • Fixed: XMPP Status occasionally doesn't update automatically across clients when a user logs out.
  • Security: One or more security issues were fixed. It is recommended that all users update to this release.
  • Translations: Updated and fixed multiple translation files.
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