Added: Added the day of the week to the date format in a calendar's Agenda view.
Added: If a CSV import includes new custom fields, it will add those custom fields to existing subscribers.
Added: User and domain calendars can now be subscribed to from 3rd-party apps using new webcal link.
Added: When composing a message, files in File Storage are now sorted alphabetically in the Link File modal.
Added: When drafting an email message, email signatures are now sorted alphabetically.
Changed: Migrating an account from Kerio Connect now uses EWS instead of IMAP.
Fixed: "Disable AUTH LOGIN method for non-SSL SMTP authentication" no longer works as expected.
Fixed: .tmp files are not removed when a domain is deleted, which prevents the domain folder from being removed.
Fixed: Disk usage reports and overview pages are not loading in the reports sections for certain users.
Fixed: Disk usages are not being updated in places such as the admin search.
Fixed: In Dark Theme, copying message text also copies the dark background along with the light font.
Fixed: iOS devices pass non-standard GMT time zone for "RecurrenceId", causing issues with recurring appointments.
Fixed: Mailing List Subscriber imports are not importing Custom Field data.
Fixed: MAPI is showing inline images sent from 0365 as attachments when sent in RTF format.
Fixed: Messages with an ICS attachment are being treated as a meeting message without showing the actual body content.
Fixed: Replying to a message sometimes does not populate the editor with the original message in webmail on MacOS.
Fixed: Scenario where users may be unable to load calendar interface resulting in red console warnings regarding permissions. (Note: not actually related to permissions but improperly configured Recurrence Rule.)
Fixed: Unable to save event actions because of a console exception.
Fixed: When typing up a message, the Draft Saved toast appears multiple times in a row.