pypMyAdmin 4.9.5

  • Tuesday, 24th March, 2020
  • 10:54am

The phpMyAdmin team announces the release of both 4.9.5 and 5.0.2.

Both versions contain several security fixes:

  • PMASA-2020-2 SQL injection vulnerability in the user accounts page, particularly when changing a password
  • PMASA-2020-3 SQL injection vulnerability relating to the search feature
  • PMASA-2020-4 SQL injection and XSS having to do with displaying results
  • Removing of the "options" field for the external transformation.

We are removing the ability for users to set "options" field for the external transformation. This must now be hard coded in the plugin file directly (where the program is configured). This feature allows users to pipe output directly to an executable file, however the options field presented a security risk and we have decided to move the options to be hard coded in the transformation plugin file. For further assistance, please reach out to our support team through email or Github pull request.
